She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:25
American Baptist Women’s Ministries has a long heritage of being on the forefront of mission and ministry with women and girls worldwide. From our very roots to today, AB Women’s Ministries has addressed critical issues such as sex trafficking, poverty, equal voice, safety and security, access to water and other natural resources, leadership development, and, of course, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 61:1-3, quoted again by Jesus in Luke 4:18-19, provides us inspiration to bring good news to the oppressed, bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty and release…to provide for those who mourn and give them a garland instead of ashes, a mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit.
American Baptist Women’s Ministries—empowering women and girls to live into the fullness of who they are created by God to be.
AB Women’s Ministries is a Christ-centered ministry with a commitment to encourage and empower women and girls to serve God.
Every American Baptist church shall have a vital women's ministry program that empowers women and girls to become and develop as God's person, build God's faith community, and serve God's world.
As servant leaders, we serve American Baptist churches by encouraging existing vital ministries with women and girls and empowering churches to build such ministries.
Core Values
Our ministry is based on certain non-negotiable values that form a foundation and criteria for all that we do..
-We provide Christ-centered ministries.
-We strive for excellence in all we do.
-We practice faithful stewardship.
-We are relevant for women today.
-We assure that our diversity (clergy/lay, age, geographic, and racial/ethnic representation) as a denomination is represented in our ministries.
-We affirm and encourage the use of spiritual gifts.
-We recognize the worth of all women and girls.
-We value our American Baptist family relationships.
-Work to provide solutions for the social justice challenges and opportunities facing women and girls.
Isaiah 61:1-3, quoted again by Jesus in Luke 4:18-19, provides us inspiration to bring good news to the oppressed, bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty and release…to provide for those who mourn and give them a garland instead of ashes, a mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit.
American Baptist Women’s Ministries—empowering women and girls to live into the fullness of who they are created by God to be.
AB Women’s Ministries is a Christ-centered ministry with a commitment to encourage and empower women and girls to serve God.
Every American Baptist church shall have a vital women's ministry program that empowers women and girls to become and develop as God's person, build God's faith community, and serve God's world.
As servant leaders, we serve American Baptist churches by encouraging existing vital ministries with women and girls and empowering churches to build such ministries.
Core Values
Our ministry is based on certain non-negotiable values that form a foundation and criteria for all that we do..
-We provide Christ-centered ministries.
-We strive for excellence in all we do.
-We practice faithful stewardship.
-We are relevant for women today.
-We assure that our diversity (clergy/lay, age, geographic, and racial/ethnic representation) as a denomination is represented in our ministries.
-We affirm and encourage the use of spiritual gifts.
-We recognize the worth of all women and girls.
-We value our American Baptist family relationships.
-Work to provide solutions for the social justice challenges and opportunities facing women and girls.
This year's Mission Project is Rainbow Acres
Rainbow Acres is a Christian community with a heart that empowers persons with developmental disabilities to live to their fullest potential with dignity and purpose. We provide exceptional housing, life-enriching programs, and loving, holistic care in a safe, vibrant, inclusive ranch-style community.
Meet Jon & Amanda Good
AMANDA and JON serve through ministries of evangelism, discipleship, education, and theological education in partnership with the Baptist Union of Hungary. Amanda assists with education at the school managed by the Baptist Church in Debrecen, as well as those managed by Hungarian Baptist Aid (HBAid). She also helps with discipleship ministries of the Baptist Church in Debrecen. Jon assists the Baptist Church in Debrecen with its evangelistic outreach, church planting, and church development ministries. He also helps with the training of Christian leaders through the Union’s seminary. Amanda and Jon both work with the church planting efforts of HBAid.

ABW in Crawford County Region Project
The project for 2018-2019 is to raise $30,000 for the Murrow Indian Children's Home to purchase furniture, small appliances and dishes for three 2-bedroom independent living/transitional apartments. It will also purchase three computers and help fund educational and independent living skill workshops and conferences. This project will enable 18-21 year old youth that have lived at Murrow to transition into independent living.
Mary Gates Atkinson Scholarship Offering
Used to assist Amerian Baptist women/men at Bacone College, Ottawa University, and/or Central Seminary to further their eduation and prepare them for ministry (pastorate, national or international mission service, or other full-time Christian vocation).

Join us for a meeting!
1st Wednesday of every month at 1pm
We meet in the Good News Center (GNC) building of our church. All women are welcome!