
Kindergarten-5th Grade

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

These growing years are filled with different stages of understanding and growing faith. We seek to
learn with our kids, not only the Bible stories, but how they relate to their own life. From learning
God’s Word, to incorporating it into our own lives, many children accept Jesus Christ as Lord and
Savior in this age group. We consider it a privilege to be a part of this wonderful experience. We
encourage learning how to make and be a strong friend with the love of Jesus Christ.

Sunday School

Our Sunday school programs run from 9:15am to 10:15am on Sunday mornings. Sunday school classes are divided up by grade level.

First Kids 

First Kids is our children's church program designed for children Kindergarten-5th  grade. First Kids runs during the 10:27am church service on Sunday mornings.

Team Kid

Team Kid is a Sunday night Bible Study for children Kindergarten-5th grade. Team Kid meets on Sunday nights at 6pm.

Vacation Bible School

Typically held the second full week of June. Our VBS program is a free to children Kindergarten-5th grade. 

WOW Wednesday

WOW Wednesdays are fun-filled Wednesdays during the month of July for our elementary students. Activities in the past have included trips to a marble factory, the zoo, the aquarium, and even a tour of our local news station! 


A fun activity for all. Kidzfest is an event hosted at our church every year on Halloween. Complete with games, hotdogs, and of course lots of candy it is a fun time for the kids of our community!

Meet Your Pastor

Kathy Carlson

Pastor Kathy has been working at First Baptist Church since 1990 with children, youth, music, and seniors throughout the years. my main focus now is with our Children's Ministries. All God's children are precious in His sight.

From before seminary, my dream job, has always been to serve in a church setting, equipping and discipling. I am blessed and honored to have been able to stay here and serve with so many fantastic people
When I'm not busy planning Children's activities at the church I enjoy being home with my husband and gardening. I have three children and a sweet, precious granddaughter.

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